Michael bohm journalist biography of christopher

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    Russian journalist of American origin Michael Bohm is incredibly popular today. Rare political programs on Russian TV channels do without his participation. He explains his interest in our country by the fact that "Russians are a very entertaining nation."

    Michael was born in 1965 in St.

    Louis. He received his first education as an insurance specialist and in 1988 began working for a New York company. In 1997, a successful employee was sent to Moscow to lead a new department. Two years later, colleagues from Germany invited Michael to head their St.

    Petersburg branch.

    Michael bohm journalist biography of christopher

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  • Michael bohm journalist biography of christopher columbus
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  • Now it is difficult to imagine that when Bohm moved from America, he practically did not speak Russian. Learning the language took a long time, but it was well spent. Today, an American is fluent in it, he has mastered not only the basic rules, but also all the subtleties of the Russian language, phraseological units and idioms often sound in his speech.

    Love for Russia

    The job brought a steady income an