Ismail ibn kathir biography
Biography of ibn kathir.
Ismail ibn kathir biography
(700 -774 A.H.)
(May Allah bless his soul)
`Imad Ad-Deen Isma`il Ibn `Umar IbnKatheer Al-Basri Ad-Dimashqi was born in 700 A.H., or shortly afterwards.
After the decease of his father, Ibn Katheer, aged seven then, headed for Damascus, accompanied by his elder brother. He owed much of his learning to Ibn Ashginah, Al-Amadi, Ibn `Asakir and others, may Allah be pleased with them all.
He immensely revered Ibn Taimiyah, may Allah bless his soul, whose views he believed, defended and mostly abided by, particularly as regards divorce.
Tafsir ibn kathir
It was on account of this that he went through an ordeal and was made to suffer a lot.
Ibn Katheer was widely acclaimed for the sublime degree of learning that he so admirably attained. Scholars have unanimously attested to his well-versedness, particularly in the fields of the exegesis of the Glorious Qur'an, Hadith and history.
Ibn Habeeb describes him as "the leader of all men engaged in the exegesis (of the Qur'an