The history of muhammad the prophet timeline

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    The history of muhammad the prophet timeline

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  • Islamic history spans over 1,400 years and encompasses a rich tapestry of events, cultures, and civilizations.

    From the birth of Prophet Muhammad and the revelation of Islam in 7th-century Arabia to the establishment of modern Islamic states and ongoing global challenges, the history of Islam is marked by significant milestones, cultural achievements, and complex dynamics.

    This brief overview provides insights into key events and developments that have shaped the diverse and dynamic world of Islam.

    570 CEBirth of Prophet Muhammad in Mecca, Arabia.
    610 CEFirst revelation to Prophet Muhammad.
    622 CEThe Hijra (Emigration) to Medina.
    630 CEConquest of Mecca.
    632 CEDeath of Prophet Muhammad.
    632-661 CEThe Rashidun Caliphs.
    656 CEThe First Fitna.
    661 CEThe Umayyad Caliphate established.
    680 CEBattle of Karbala.
    711 CEUmayyad expansion into Spain.
    750 CEThe Abbasid Caliphate established in Baghdad.
    800-1100 CE