Biography primary and secondary sources quizlet
Primary and secondary sources quiz...
Biography primary and secondary sources quizlet
Worlds of History, Volume 1
Seventh Edition ©2020Kevin Reilly Formats: E-book, Print
As low as $44.99
As low as $44.99
Kevin Reilly
Kevin Reilly is a professor of humanities at Raritan Valley College and has taught at Rutgers, Columbia, and Princeton Universities.Cofounder and first president of the World History Association, Reilly has writtennumerous articles on the teaching of history, and has edited a number of works in world history including The Introductory History Course for the AHA and the World History syllabus collection.
A specialist in immigration history, Reilly incorporated his research in creating the "Modern Global Migrations" globe at Ellis Island. His work on the history of racism led to the editing of Racism: A Global Reader. He was a Fulbright scholar in Brazil and Jordan and a NEH fellow in Greece, Oxford UK, and India.
Awards include the Community College Humanities Association’s Disti