Rupee news gandhi biography

  • Rupee news gandhi biography
  • Rupee news gandhi biography

  • Rupee news gandhi biography
  • Rupee news gandhi biography wikipedia
  • Gandhi biography summary
  • Rupee currency
  • Old indian currency notes
  • Gandhi biography summary.

    Only 15 paise reaches the beneficiary

    In the 1980s Rajiv Gandhi, then the Prime Minister of India, had said that for every rupee targeted towards welfare and poverty alleviation only a fraction, 15 paise, reached the intended beneficiary.[1][2] This observation by the Prime Minister has been called a guess, an estimate, not based on empirical data.[3] While the statement has been connected to corruption, it has also been taken as an understanding of the large operating costs and overheads of administering public services.[4] India's Chief Vigilance Commissioner later added that of the remaining, "40 paise perhaps can be accounted for administrative overheads and 45 paise is pure corruption".[5]

    It has also been felt and politically stated that even less than 15 paise is a truer estimate in some cases; 10 paise,[6] even less than 5 paise.[7] In 2007, in the same context, deputy chairman of the Planning Commiss